Which State Is Most British In America?

Which state is most British?

In the United States, the shared history with Britain is visible across the country, from New England’s colonial architecture to Southern cities’ English-style gardens. However, one state that maintains particularly strong ties to Britain is Massachusetts. This state, known for its rich history and cultural heritage, embodies several aspects that could be considered “British” in nature, from its education system to its societal norms.

What does it mean to be British?

Being “British” encompasses far more than just having roots in Britain. It includes cultural aspects such as valuing tradition, having a sense of humor often characterized as dry or witty, and a love for tea. In a societal context, being British often implies politeness, respect for authority, and an understated form of patriotism. Additionally, a high value is placed on education, particularly in the fields of literature, philosophy, and the sciences, a tradition that can be traced back to some of the world’s most prestigious institutions, such as Oxford and Cambridge.

Top 5 most British states in America

  1. Massachusetts: As mentioned above, Massachusetts tops this list for its educational institutions reminiscent of Britain, its architecture, and societal norms.
  2. Virginia: Virginia, being one of the original thirteen colonies, maintains strong historical ties to Britain. The state’s preservation of colonial architecture and traditions contribute to its “Britishness.”
  3. New Hampshire: Known for its picturesque landscapes that closely resemble the English countryside, New Hampshire also hosts annual events celebrating British culture.
  4. Connecticut: This New England state, much like Massachusetts, bears architectural influences from colonial times and values traditions that can be traced back to British settlers.
  5. Maryland: Maryland’s official state sport is jousting, a sport with deep roots in medieval British history. Additionally, Maryland’s strong emphasis on horse racing reflects a shared passion with the Brits.

What States Have The Most British People?

According to the 2019 American Community Survey, the states with the highest percentage of British ancestry are Utah, Alaska, and Maine. However, this does not necessarily equate to these states being the most “British” in terms of culture or societal norms.

Influence of British Culture on America

The influence of British culture on America can be seen in various aspects of daily life. The English language itself is a significant example, as well as shared cultural practices such as afternoon tea and celebrating holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving.

Additionally, many American institutions have been heavily influenced by their British counterparts. For instance, the U.S. government’s three branches closely resemble Britain’s system of checks and balances between parliament and monarchy.

The long-standing relationship between Britain and America continues to shape the cultural landscape of both countries. And while certain states may have stronger ties to Britain, it’s safe to say that British influence can be found across the entire United States. Overall, being “British” in America is not limited to a specific state but rather reflects a shared history and cultural heritage that has deeply impacted the nation as a whole. So, which state is most British? It can be argued that all states have their own unique blend of British influences and traditions woven into their fabric.

Where Abouts Is The Most British Place In The USA?

It’s challenging to pinpoint one specific location as the most “British” in the USA. However, some cities and towns have a higher concentration of British influences than others. Some notable examples include:

  1. Boston, Massachusetts: As the capital of Massachusetts, Boston is known for its strong ties to Britain, particularly through historical landmarks such as the Freedom Trail and Faneuil Hall.
  2. Charleston, South Carolina: This charming southern city has maintained much of its colonial-era architecture and traditions, making it feel like a small piece of England in America.
  3. Annapolis, Maryland: With its cobblestone streets and sailing culture, Annapolis has been nicknamed “America’s Sailing Capital” and is often compared to British sailing cities like Cowes and Falmouth.
  4. Williamsburg, Virginia: This living history museum town is a popular tourist destination for those wanting to experience what life was like in colonial America, reflecting strong ties to Britain.
  5. Portland, Maine: Known for its vibrant food and drink scene, Portland boasts several traditional British pubs and restaurants that serve up classic dishes such as fish and chips and shepherd’s pie.

Overall, while some states may have stronger ties to Britain than others, the influence of British culture can be found throughout the United States in various forms.

Which Corporations In America That Are Also In The US?

Many corporations in America, particularly those in the food and beverage industry, also have a presence in the United Kingdom. Some notable examples include:

  1. Starbucks: Originally founded in Seattle, Washington, Starbucks has expanded globally and has over 1,000 locations in the UK.
  2. McDonald’s: With its iconic golden arches and famous burgers, McDonald’s is a household name in America and also has a significant presence in the UK.
  3. Coca-Cola: This popular soft drink brand was founded in Atlanta, Georgia and can now be found worldwide, including the UK where it is sold under the name “Coke.”
  4. KFC: Kentucky Fried Chicken may be known for its southern roots but has also become a well-known fast-food chain in the UK.
  5. Apple: With its headquarters in California, Apple has expanded globally and is just as popular in the UK, with numerous retail locations across the country.

How Did America Gain Its British Culture?

The British culture in America can be traced back to the colonization of the New World by the British during the 17th and 18th centuries. English settlers brought their traditions, language, and societal norms with them, which eventually blended with other cultural influences to create a distinct American culture.

Additionally, after gaining independence from Britain in 1776, America maintained strong ties with its former colonial power through trade and immigration. This further contributed to the influence of British culture on American society.

Overall, the British legacy in America is deeply intertwined with its history and has left a lasting impact on various aspects of American life. So it’s no surprise that even today, certain states carry more “Britishness” than others due to this shared heritage. Therefore, to say which state is the most British would be a difficult question to answer definitively as all states have their own unique blend of British influences that have shaped their identities. In conclusion, while some states may have more British descendants or traditions, the overall impact and contribution of British culture on America can be seen across the entire nation. The shared history between Britain and America has created a bond that continues to shape both countries and will likely continue for generations to come.

Where Do Most British People Live In America?

The highest concentration of British people in America can be found in states such as California, Florida, Texas, New York, and Illinois. However, it’s worth noting that these statistics don’t necessarily reflect the number of British-born individuals living in these states but rather those who have identified as having British ancestry.

Some other interesting facts about British-Americans include:

  • According to the 2019 American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau, there are over 10 million Americans with English ancestry and almost 4 million with Scottish ancestry.
  • The state with the highest percentage of residents identifying as having English heritage is Maine at 24%, closely followed by New Hampshire at 23%.
  • As for cities with a significant population of British-Americans, New York City has the highest number with over 1 million residents, followed by Los Angeles and Chicago.

Overall, while there may not be a specific state where most British people live in America, it’s clear that they have made their mark throughout the nation. Their contributions to American culture and society are deeply ingrained and continue to influence the country in various ways. Therefore, it can be said that while all states have their own unique blend of British influences, the impact of British culture can be felt across America as a whole. The question should not be which state is most British but rather how Britain has shaped America and its people as a whole. So whether you’re enjoying fish and chips in Boston or admiring colonial architecture in Charleston, the British legacy in America is alive and well, making it a unique blend of two rich cultures. So let’s appreciate this shared heritage and celebrate the diversity it brings to both nations.


The British impact on America is undeniable and continues to shape the country in various ways. From cultural influences like language and traditions to economic ties through corporations, the shared history between Britain and America has created a bond that will always connect the two nations.

However, it’s important to recognize that while British culture may have played a significant role in shaping American society, America is also made up of diverse cultures from all over the world. The blending of these cultures has created a unique melting pot that makes America truly special.

So whether you’re in Williamsburg admiring colonial architecture or sipping tea at a traditional British pub in Portland, it’s clear that the British influence in America is here to stay. And ultimately, it’s this blend of cultures that makes America such a vibrant and diverse country. So let’s celebrate and embrace all the different influences that have made America what it is today, including the strong ties to its British roots. There is no single “most British” state in America because each state contributes to the rich tapestry of American culture in its own unique way. And that’s something to be proud of!

So, whether you’re a native Brit or an American with British ancestry, take pride in this shared heritage and continue to celebrate it through cultural exchanges, traditions, and appreciation for both countries’ histories. After all, there’s always room for more tea and crumpets in America! Keep calm and carry on.